Getting to Know You
(aka: free 90-min session)

My favorite thing to do is talk with people about what's important to them. So I do it for free. 

What to expect:

Pick a date and time in the sidebar. I'll reach out to confirm our appointment time, and once we've confirmed, you'll receive a Zoom meeting invite.

When we meet, you’ll tell me about yourself and your celebration, we’ll ask each other a bunch of questions, brainstorm, and I’ll get everything I need to know to customize my services to your true needs. It's fun, it's free, and it'll help you a ton, even if you don't decide to work with me afterwards.

I’ll take 48 hours to create a few service plans for you. You get a chance to sleep on it, talk it over, journal, whatever you need to do to make the best choice for you.

Then I'll send you an email with potential plans, a quote range, and all the notes from our meeting. After those two days, you’ll look at the options that just arrived in your inbox and know exactly what aligns with your needs. We'll tweak it together as needed and go from there!

Go ahead, schedule a session. I can't wait to talk with you. 

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